We are honored to present an exceptional Vedic performance at the Sydney Opera House, featuring the esteemed Vedic Chanting Ensemble from the Hangzhou Buddhist Academy’s School of Arts. This unique performance is part of the Australia-China-New Zealand Buddhist Forum 2024 and will showcase the profound beauty of Buddhist chanting.
The Hangzhou Buddhist Academy’s Vedic Chanting Ensemble, led by the venerable abbot Guangquan, consists of over 20 talented monastic musicians. This is the only professional Vedic chanting group in China, known for their serene and majestic performances that embody the essence of Buddhist compassion. Their chanting evokes a sense of inner peace, joy, and goodwill among listeners.
The Ensemble has performed at prestigious venues such as the Great Hall of the People in Zhejiang Province, Lincoln Center in New York, and Taiping Temple in Wenzhou. Their 2019 performance, “Peace and Well-Being,” at Lincoln Center’s David Geffen Hall, was met with overwhelming acclaim, with a full house and extensive media coverage.
Join us for this rare and unforgettable experience, where the ancient traditions of Vedic chanting will bring a touch of spiritual tranquility and cultural richness to the iconic Sydney Opera House.
梵呗团曾在浙江省人民大会堂、美国纽约林肯艺术中心、温州太平寺等地成功演出。《祈福》、《法音宣流》、《和风习习暖众生》、《清凉乐》、《共生吉祥》等主题音乐会尤其受欢迎。特别是2019年10月,梵呗团在纽约林肯艺术中心David Geffen Hall演出的《祈福》音乐会引起轰动,整场演出座无虚席、一票难求,并得到了当地媒体的广泛报道。